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Blender Kitty Comics 1

Origins and Chronology: The precise beginning of Blender Kitty is unclear, although I began it after quitting my graphic arts job in 1999. I came to hate my job, and had developed acid reflux due to stress. I had no money to speak of when I quit. However, I fixed a little thermos of coffee everyday and went to the public libary to work on developing a comic strip. I needed sources of income, even if that income was slight. I ended up selling a painting to my former employers, and gradually expanded my part-time teaching gig at a community center.

I did not keep track of the creation dates for these comics. This is a complaint of my artwork, generally. Scanning these pages into a scanner generated time stamps, but I did not own a scanner (or computer) in the early going. Moreover, I am not always punctual at scanning works upon their completion, and so must rely on my failing memory for their organization. The earliest comic strips are the easiest to identify, as they are simpler in style.


Dust Mites comic Cubist Bowling comic

Table Etiquette comic Beached Whale comic

Velcro Moon comic Baby Picture comic

Tire Planter comic Burnt Head comic

Stick Insect comic Eat Foot comic

McDraw comic Carnival Food

Ear Wax comic Low Effort comic

Atlantis comic Frying Pan comic

Elbow comic Elbow comic

Obidience School comic Ship Eater comic


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