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Original Music 2017


The Roadtrips 2013-2015: Saugatuck, Mi | Holbrook, Az | Baraboo, Wi | Nashville, Tn

6 minutes 44 seconds| This chronicles a personal history of true but dysfunctional love, and of a man for whom travel is terrifying but transformative.

Saugatuck is a charming lakeside tourist town and artist colony. Holbrook is the gateway to The Painted Desert. Devil’s Lake resides near Baraboo, as does The House on The Rock. The first two trips were by any measure successes, while the third proved challenging and foreshadowed a great sadness to come. This is anticipated, and sounds ominously, in the portion dedicated to the last road trip.

Nashville, Tennessee forms the longest of the four pieces, and divides into three sections: Dark Fanfare, Pancake Pantry, and The Parthenon.

The fanfare that begins Nashville was written first. The Parthenon includes its chordal progressions played in reverse order, with modification. The muted piano phrase that ends Baraboo starkly reappears where the brass section builds and climaxes.

Pancake Pantry is an established eatery in downtown Nashville, and here provides a break in the tension.


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