- / 284 pages
- mlteague.com - Art, Music, Comics, Animation, and Writings of Michael Lowell Teague
- Artwork Gallery 1 - 2010-2023 paintings by Michael Teague | mlteague.com
- Artwork Gallery 1b - 2010-2024 paintings and drawings by Michael Teague | mlteague.com
- Comics Portal - My Life Making Strange Cartoons | mlteague.com
- Captions of Industry (Discography) - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague | mlteague.com
- Animation Portal - Original Animation of Michael Lowell Teague | mlteague.com
- Icarus Transfigured - Table of Contents | mlteague.com
- Artwork Gallery 3 - 2009-1998 paintings by Michael Teague | mlteague.com
- Artworks Portal - Strange Paintings and Drawings | mlteague.com
- Artwork Gallery 5 - 2020-2023 Landscapses by Michael Teague | mlteague.com
- Blog - Scrapbook and Bloggish Musings 1 | mlteague.com
- Blog - Scrapbook and Bloggish Musings 2 | mlteague.com
- Blog - Scrapbook and Bloggish Musings 3 | mlteague.com
- Blog - Scrapbook and Bloggish Musings 4 | mlteague.com
- Blog - Scrapbook and Bloggish Musings 5 | mlteague.com
- Blog - Scrapbook and Bloggish Musings 6 | mlteague.com
- Blog - Scrapbook and Bloggish Musings 7 | mlteague.com
- Blog - Scrapbook and Bloggish Musings 8 | mlteague.com
- Artwork Gallery 2 - 2010-2024 works on paper by Michael Teague | mlteague.com
- Artwork Gallery 2b - 2010-2024 works on paper by Michael Teague | mlteague.com
- Blender Kitty Comics Archive 1 - The Walking Swingset | mlteague.com
- Blender Kitty Comics Archive 2 - The Blob vs Godzilla | mlteague.com
- Blender Kitty Comics Archive 3 - Summer of The Water Weenie | mlteague.com
- Blender Kitty Comics Archive 4 - Silverfish invade New York | mlteague.com
- Blender Kitty Comics Archive 5 - Cautionary Tale Cartoon | mlteague.com
- Blender Kitty Comics Archive 6 - Cat in Crawlspace Cartoon | mlteague.com
- Blender Kitty Comics Archive 7 (The Serial) - Paint-by-Murder | mlteague.com
- Profiles in Confusion Portal - Comics of Michael Teague 2005-2010 | mlteague.com
- Comics Portfolio 1 - Comics of Michael Lowell Teague | mlteague.com
- Chandeliers of Chernobyl - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 131 | mlteague.com
- 13 Ghosts - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 130 | mlteague.com
- The Invisible College - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 129 | mlteague.com
- Taken By Bears - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 128 | mlteague.com
- Rubylith - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 127 | mlteague.com
- Dreamy Boyfriend - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 126 | mlteague.com
- Salad Days of The Holocene - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 125 | mlteague.com
- Glaring Omission - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 124 | mlteague.com
- Mokele-Mbembe - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 123 | mlteague.com
- The Travelers-Back Introduction, Intermezzo, and The Hypnotist - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 122 | mlteague.com
- The Travelers-Back (Theme) | Lamentation - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 121 | mlteague.com
- O' Boll Weevil- Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 120 | mlteague.com
- Felix Culpa- Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 119 | mlteague.com
- Windowpane - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 118 | mlteague.com
- Dry Erasure - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 117 | mlteague.com
- Partnered w/ Defeat - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 116 | mlteague.com
- Mountain of Transfiguration - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 115 | mlteague.com
- Wedding in Cana - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 114 | mlteague.com
- Celtic Similars - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 112 | mlteague.com
- Crown Shyness - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 111 | mlteague.com
- The Banks of Opposite Meadow - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 110 | mlteague.com
- Borrowed Alphabet - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 109 | mlteague.com
- Seldom Organs - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 108 | mlteague.com
- The Temple of Slights - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 107 | mlteague.com
- Margarine Hammer, Five of Cups - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 106 | mlteague.com
- Two Swords - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 105 | mlteague.com
- The Mooncalf - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 104 | mlteague.com
- Antecedents: Ahshislepah, Pioneers of Mars, Sputnik - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 103 | mlteague.com
- Thrift and Industry - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 102 | mlteague.com
- Noble Gases, Abridged - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 101 | mlteague.com
- Aspartame in Episodes - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 100 | mlteague.com
- Compass Jerusalem - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 99 | mlteague.com
- Palindrome - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 98 | mlteague.com
- Machine Winter - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 97 | mlteague.com
- Food Court - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 96 | mlteague.com
- Impareggiabile - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 95 | mlteague.com
- Incompleteness - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 94 | mlteague.com
- Base Metals: Three Bagatelles - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 93 | mlteague.com
- Sinner Such As, Christus resurrexit - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 91 | mlteague.com
- The Roadtrips 2013-2015, Saugatuck, Holbrook, Baraboo, Nashville - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 88 | mlteague.com
- Plateaus of Arbitrary Effort - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 85 | mlteague.com
- Eventual Etude No. 3, Umbrella Men Sans Magritte - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 87 | mlteague.com
- Scepters of Incidence - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 1 | mlteague.com
- Eventual Etude No. 4, Ergo Sum - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 2 | mlteague.com
- Elegy and Empathy - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 3 | mlteague.com
- The Perishing Doorway - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 4 | mlteague.com
- Beige: R233, G220, B162 - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 6 | mlteague.com
- Ancient Astronaut: Bep Kororoti - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 7 | mlteague.com
- Parachute - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 9 | mlteague.com
- Worlds Much Longer - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 10 | mlteague.com
- Aokigahara - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 12 | mlteague.com
- Meddlers and Sealants - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 13 | mlteague.com
- Breathable Cotton Wife Swap - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 14 | mlteague.com
- Lite Brite Ponies - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 15 | mlteague.com
- Soviet Bunk Bed - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 16 | mlteague.com
- Symptom Palace - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 18 | mlteague.com
- Deltoid Fuchsia - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 19 | mlteague.com
- gâteau dans la haie verte (cake in the green hedge) - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 20 | mlteague.com
- The Garden of Capitulation - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 21 | mlteague.com
- Pastorale (Presence the Color of Dirt) - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 23 | mlteague.com
- Eventual Etude No. 2, Wigwam E Pluribus - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 24 | mlteague.com
- Dionne Quintuplets, Astral Projection - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 25 | mlteague.com
- Boyhood Reptile - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 26 | mlteague.com
- The Lung Maiden - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 27 | mlteague.com
- Hummingbird Colossus - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 28 | mlteague.com
- Eventual Etude No. 1, The Annotated Toupée - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 29 | mlteague.com
- Azure L'amour - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 30 | mlteague.com
- Allegretto - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 31 | mlteague.com
- Brute Rainbow - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 32 | mlteague.com
- Found Candy (Valentine Ex nihilo) - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 33 | mlteague.com
- Non-Popcorn Arm - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 34 | mlteague.com
- inflexible box vini (inflexible box of wine), fragment b - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 35 | mlteague.com
- Lavender Raygun Sequence - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 36 | mlteague.com
- Divertimento - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 37 | mlteague.com
- Lap Comb - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 38 | mlteague.com
- Memory Arsenal - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 39 | mlteague.com
- Benadryl: Giver of Sleep and Allergy Relief - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 40 | mlteague.com
- Ritilan Before Cereal - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 41 | mlteague.com
- Sleep-in-Late Japanese Girlfriend - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 42 | mlteague.com
- Pilgrims and Corn - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 43 | mlteague.com
- Nadir Mound - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 44 | mlteague.com
- Aerodyne - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 45 | mlteague.com
- Vardøger - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 46 | mlteague.com
- Waxworks: Schematics for A Ballet in Eight Scenes - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 47 | mlteague.com
- March of The Absent-Minded - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 48 | mlteague.com
- The Goat-Footed Balloon Man - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 49 | mlteague.com
- Regency- Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 51 | mlteague.com
- Pretty for Deodorant: Three Short Pieces - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 50 | mlteague.com
- Warm Laundry - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 52 | mlteague.com
- Beautiful Monster - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 53 | mlteague.com
- Godzilla and The Long Arm of Funk - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 54 | mlteague.com
- Pillows and Pillars - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 55 | mlteague.com
- Infant Kal-El, Escape Krypton - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 56 | mlteague.com
- Trumpets of Paraffin - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 57 | mlteague.com
- Saltwater Tableau - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 59 | mlteague.com
- Blue Bottle - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 60 | mlteague.com
- Whirled Peas - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 61 | mlteague.com
- I See Men As Trees Walking - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 62 | mlteague.com
- Lullaby in Chalk - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 63 | mlteague.com
- Spirits of Escalators - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 64 | mlteague.com
- Agnus Dei - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 65 | mlteague.com
- Vehicular Man Salad - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 66 | mlteague.com
- Bikini Ribcage - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 67 | mlteague.com
- Rare Paycheck - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 68 | mlteague.com
- Emma - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 69 | mlteague.com
- Reasonably A Vampire - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 70 | mlteague.com
- Memphis, TN 1976 - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 71 | mlteague.com
- Olestra, Box Lunch Adventure - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 72 | mlteague.com
- Stonesthrow - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 73 | mlteague.com
- Lactose Summer - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 74 | mlteague.com
- Tupperware Ignes Fatui - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 75 | mlteague.com
- The Lamp-Shaded Tower - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 76 | mlteague.com
- Spooky Action at a Distance (spukhafte Fernwirkung) - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 77 | mlteague.com
- First Rodeo - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 78 | mlteague.com
- Polymers of Insincerity - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 79 | mlteague.com
- Aberrant Star - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 80 | mlteague.com
- me spinach - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 81 | mlteague.com
- The Snowy Monopole - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 82 | mlteague.com
- Cowboy Philosopher - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 83 | mlteague.com
- Ouefs de Dali (Eggs of Dali) - Original Music by Michael Lowell Teague 84 | mlteague.com
- Autism and The Arts - YouTube Channel Page One | mlteague.com
- Dung Beetle, Grocery Gawkers - The Animation of Michael Lowell Teague | mlteague.com
- Bird Song and Johnny's Class Ring - The Animation of Michael Lowell Teague | mlteague.com
- The Gibberer, Saucer Invasion - The Animation of Michael Lowell Teague | mlteague.com
- The Snowy Monopole- The Animation of Michael Lowell Teague | mlteague.com
- Animated Gifs - Anatomical Misfits | mlteague
- Introduction and Dedication | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Prologue One - A Sleep | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Prologue Two - A Forgetting | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Prologue Three - A Coming from Afar | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter One - Heaven and Hell | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter One, Section Two - Heaven and Hell | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Two - The Labyrinth | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Two, Section Two - The Labyrinth | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Two, Section Three - The Labyrinth | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Three - Stonesthrow | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Three, Section Two - Stonesthrow | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Four - The Day The Earth Stood Still, Part One | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Four, Section Two - The Day The Earth Stood Still, Part One | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Five - The Day The Earth Stood Still, Part Two | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Five, Section Two - The Day The Earth Stood Still, Part Two | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Six - The Day The Earth Stood Still, Part Three | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Six, Section Two - The Day The Earth Stood Still, Part Three | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Six, Section Three - The Day The Earth Stood Still, Part Three | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Seven - The Day The Earth Stood Still, Part Four | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Seven, Section Two - The Day The Earth Stood Still, Part Four | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Eight - Chaos | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Eight, Section Two - Chaos | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Nine - The Dancing Star, Part One | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Nine, Section Two - The Dancing Star, Part One | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Nine, Section Three - The Dancing Star, Part One | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Ten - The Dancing Star, Part Two | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Ten, Section Two - The Dancing Star, Part Two | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Eleven - A Visitation | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Eleven, Section Two - A Visitation | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Twelve - The Persistence of Memory | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Twelve, Section Two - The Persistence of Memory | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Thirteen - The Ghost in The Machine, Part One | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Thirteen, Section Two - The Ghost in The Machine, Part One | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Fourteen - The Ghost in The Machine, Part Two | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Fourteen, Section Two - The Ghost in The Machine, Part Two | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Fourteen, Section Three - The Ghost in The Machine, Part Two | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Fifteen - The Blind Man, Part One | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Fifteen, Section Two - The Blind Man, Part One | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Sixteen - The Blind Man, Part Two | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Sixteen, Section Two - The Blind Man, Part Two | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Seventeen - Invasion of The Body Snatchers | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Seventeen, Section Two - Invasion of The Body Snatchers | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Seventeen, Section Three - Invasion of The Body Snatchers | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Seventeen, Section Four - Invasion of The Body Snatchers | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Eighteen - In-Betweenness | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Eighteen, Section Two - In-Betweenness | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Eighteen, Section Three - In-Betweenness | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Nineteen - The Unsayable, Part One | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Nineteen, Section Two - The Unsayable, Part One | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Nineteen, Section Three - The Unsayable, Part One | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Twenty - The Unsayable, Part Two | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Twenty, Section Two - The Unsayable, Part Two | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Twenty-one - The Haunted Ruin | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Twenty-one, Section Two - The Haunted Ruin | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Twenty-two - The Doppelganger | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Twenty-two, Section Two - The Doppelganger | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Twenty-three - The Bug Collector | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Twenty-three, Section Two - The Bug Collector | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Twenty-three, Section Three - The Bug Collector | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Twenty-three, Section Four - The Bug Collector | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Twenty-four - The Child, Part One | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Twenty-four, Section Two - The Child, Part One | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Twenty-five - The Child, Part Two | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Twenty-five, Section Two - The Child, Part Two | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Twenty-five, Section Three - The Child, Part Two | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Twenty-six - Infinity | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Twenty-seven - Paradox | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Twenty-eight - The Sublime | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Twenty-eight, Section Two - The Sublime | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Twenty-eight, Section Three - The Sublime | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Twenty-nine - The Black Box | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Thirty - The Object Lesson | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Thirty, Section Two - The Object Lesson | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Thirty, Section Three - The Object Lesson | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Thirty, Section Four - The Object Lesson | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Thirty-one - Deus ex Machina | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Thirty-two - The Day of Eternal Noon | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Chapter Thirty-two, Section Two - The Day of Eternal Noon | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Epilogue One - The Unknowable Thing-in-Itself | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Epilogue Two - The Balance of Memory | Icarus Transfigured (A Novel)
- Artwork Gallery 4 - 2009-1998 drawings by Michael Teague | mlteague.com
- Art School Portfolio One 1983-1997 - Mostly Figurative | mlteague.com
- Art School Portfolio Two 1983-1997 - Modernist Inspired | mlteague.com
- Art School Portfolio Three 1983-1997 - Transitional | mlteague.com
- Art School Portfolio Four 1983-1997 - Graduate School | mlteague.com
- Art School Portfolio Five 1983-1997 - More Graduate School | mlteague.com
- Art School Portfolio Six 1983-1997 - Beyond Art School | mlteague.com
- Art School Portfolio Seven 1983-1997 - The Wilderness | mlteague.com
- Sketchbook - Sketchbooks and Other Art of Michael Lowell Teague 1 | mlteague.com
- Blog 1 - Introduction | mlteague.com
- Blog 2 - Art Criticism | mlteague.com
- Blog 3 - Intrusive Thinking and Creativity | mlteague.com
- Blog 4 - The Role of Missing Information in Creativity | mlteague.com
- Blog 5 - Art and Algorithms | mlteague.com
- Blog 6 - Art, A.I., and Culture | mlteague.com
- Blog 7 - Autism and The World | mlteague.com
- Blog 8 - YouTube Channel and Miscellaneous | mlteague.com
- Profiles in Confusion 19 - Best of The Rest | mlteague.com
- Profiles in Confusion 20 - Up Close Pretty | mlteague.com
- Profiles in Confusion 21 - Running like a Girl | mlteague.com
- Profiles in Confusion 22 - I Drive Stick | mlteague.com
- Profiles in Confusion 23 - The Ballad of Listerine Kids | mlteague.com
- Profiles in Confusion 15 - It takes a village to raise an idiot | mlteague.com
- Profiles in Confusion 16 - Eats Shoots and Leaves | mlteague.com
- Profiles in Confusion 17 - Silicon Head Transplant | mlteague.com
- Profiles in Confusion 18 - Three Wrongs | mlteague.com
- Profiles in Confusion 10 - Elvis has Left The Building | mlteague.com
- Profiles in Confusion 11 - The One-eyed Astronaut | mlteague.com
- Profiles in Confusion 12 - A Butt Wuppin' | mlteague.com
- Profiles in Confusion 13 - And Sometimes Y | mlteague.com
- Profiles in Confusion 14 - Two Polar Bears in a Snowstorm | mlteague.com
- Profiles in Confusion 6 - Dog Looking in Mirror Explained | mlteague.com
- Profiles in Confusion 7 - Foil Hat Mind Control | mlteague.com
- Profiles in Confusion 8 - Fear The Squirrel | mlteague.com
- Profiles in Confusion 9 - Prime The Pump Handle | mlteague.com
- Profiles in Confusion 1 - Booger, Booger Burning Bright | mlteague.com
- Profiles in Confusion 2 - Worlds without Clowns | mlteague.com
- Profiles in Confusion 3 - Mayonnaise vs Miraclewhip | mlteague.com
- Profiles in Confusion 4 - Outrageous comics by Michael Lowell Teague | mlteague.com
- Profiles in Confusion 5 - Cartoons drawn with Ballpoint Pen | mlteague.com
- Comics Portfolio 2 - Peachy Sceranios | mlteague.com
- The Bed Wetter (1-3) - Comics of Michael Teague | mlteague.com
- Blood Nap - Comics of Michael Teague | mlteague.com
- Autism and The Arts - YouTube Channel Page Two | mlteague.com
- Animated Gifs - Anatomical Misfits | mlteague
- Schema One - Sketchbook Drawings by Michael Lowell Teague 2 | mlteague.com
- Comics Portfolio 3 - Specter of Dentistry | mlteague.com
- The Greens and Yellows 1 - Comics of Michael Teague | mlteague.com
- Putt-Putt Hazards - Comics of Michael Teague | mlteague.com
- The Farm Accident - Comics of Michael Teague | mlteague.com
- Autism and The Arts - YouTube Channel Page Three | mlteague.com
- Schema Two - Sketchbook Ideas for An Animation Michael Lowell Teague 3 | mlteague.com
- Comics Portfolio 4 - Three Tales from Blurred Vision, the Comics Anthology | mlteague.com
- The Temple of Slights - Comics of Michael Teague | mlteague.com
- Whale Spooks (1-2) - Comics of Michael Teague | mlteague.com
- Whale Spooks (Alternative Pages) - Comics of Michael Teague | mlteague.com
- Spinal Sponge (1-2) - Comics of Michael Teague | mlteague.com
- The Travelers-Back - Table of Contents | mlteague.com
- Story One - House of Fairy Tales 1a | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story One - House of Fairy Tales 1b | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story One - House of Fairy Tales 1c | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story One - House of Fairy Tales 1d | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Two - House of Thanksgiving 2a | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Two - House of Thanksgiving 2b | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Two - House of Thanksgiving 2c | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Two - House of Thanksgiving 2d | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Two - House of Thanksgiving 2e | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Two - House of Thanksgiving 2f | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Three - House of Christmas 3a | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Three - House of Christmas 3b | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Three - House of Christmas 3c | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Three - House of Christmas 3d | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Three - House of Christmas 3e | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Three - House of Christmas 3f | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Three - House of Christmas 3g | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Four - House of The Monster 4a | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Four - House of The Monster 4b | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Four - House of The Monster 4c | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Four - House of The Monster 4d | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Four - House of The Monster 4e | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Four - House of The Monster 4f | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Four - House of The Monster 4g | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Four - House of The Monster 4h | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Four - House of The Monster 4i | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Five - House of Abiding Mystery 5a | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Six - House of Imposters 6a | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Six - House of Imposters 6b | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Six - House of Imposters 6c | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Six - House of Imposters 6d | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Six - House of Imposters 6dd | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Six - House of Imposters 6e | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Seven - House of Anubis 7a | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Seven - House of Anubis 7b | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Seven - House of Anubis 7c | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Seven - House of Anubis 7d | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Seven - House of Anubis 7e | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Seven - House of Anubis 7f | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Seven - House of Anubis 7g | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Seven - House of Anubis 7h | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Seven - House of Anubis 7i | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Seven - House of Anubis 7j | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Eight - House of The Secret Door 8a | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Eight - House of The Secret Door 8b | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Eight - House of The Secret Door 8c | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Eight - House of The Secret Door 8d | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Eight - House of The Secret Door 8e | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
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- Story Eight - House of The Secret Door 8g | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Eight - House of The Secret Door 8h | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Eight - House of The Secret Door 8i | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
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- Story Nine - House of Lamentation 9b | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
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- Story Fourteen - House at The End of The World 14b | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Fourteen - House at The End of The World 14c | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Fourteen - House at The End of The World 14d | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Fourteen - House at The End of The World 14e | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Fourteen - House at The End of The World 14f | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Fourteen - House at The End of The World 14g | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
- Story Fourteen - House at The End of The World 14h | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
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- Story Fifteen - House of Those Yet Asleep 15b | The Travelers-Back (A Novel) | mlteague.com
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- Autism and The Arts - YouTube Channel Page Four | mlteague.com
- Comics Portfolio 5 - Development as Comicbook artist in the 1990s | mlteague.com
- Autism and The Arts - YouTube Channel Page Five | mlteague.com
- Comics Portfolio 6 - Early Development as Cartoonist in the 1960s | mlteague.com
- Autism and The Arts - YouTube Channel Page Six | mlteague.com
- Autism and The Arts - YouTube Channel Page Seven | mlteague.com
- Autism and The Arts - YouTube Channel Page Eight | mlteague.com
- Autism and The Arts - YouTube Channel Page Nine | mlteague.com
- Autism and The Arts - YouTube Channel Page Ten | mlteague.com
- Autism and The Arts - YouTube Channel Page Eleven | mlteague.com
- Autism and The Arts - YouTube Channel Page Twelve | mlteague.com