The Headaches of Archiving: The means of recording and archiving one’s artwork evolve with changing technology and best practices over a lifetime. Sometimes things get left out, either intentionally or unintentionally. Sometimes artwork gets reworked, so there are different versions of it in one’s files. One loses track of the changes. Archiving is never as thorough or as organized as one wants to be in hindsight.
In the course of revamping pages for my website in September of 2023, I was frustrated by the difficulty of locating archived versions of certain Blender Kitty strips. When I owned an HP scanner, I originally saved my strips as 600 dpi bitmapped (Indexed) images. These images were not scalable, so they had to be converted to 300 dpi grayscale for that purpose. Later when my scanner stopped working and I bought an Epson scanner, I started saving everything as 350 dpi grayscale. As a consequence of these and other formats used during the production of these strips, I created multiple digital folders whose reason to be has been lost to time. No one folder contains a complete listing of comics.
Mind you—I have high quality scans of all my works on paper. Several years ago I rescanned my flat art, and because much of it was larger than the scan bed of my scanner, it had to be scanned in sections. These scans were dumped in folders labeled as “raw.” Later these sections were stitched together as finalized archived digital records and placed into other folders labeled “stitched” or (Stch). Unfortunately, not all Blender Kitty comics received this treatment, so this means another round of edits will be needed.
Blender Kitty: The Serial/ Back/ Comics Portal Page
Copyright © 2018 michael l. teague all rights reserved.